In an unfortunate turn of events, a beloved visor was lost yesterday as it sunned itself on the roof of a car. It's (undeserving) owner, forgetting herself completely, drove off with said visor in this precarious position, her carelessness having lost it forever.
Purchased on the shores of northern Germany in 2007, this visor lead it's owner, Sarah Weigel, to four trail 20-35K victories and five 2nd place finishes in 2009/2010, including one course record and two marathons. The visor also participated in tens of thousands of feet of climbing and dozens of hours of training runs, never failing to bring it's owner home again safely.
When questioned about the incident, Weigel recalled, choking back tears, "I'm truly devastated and at a loss for words. It was such a great visor. Always there for me at every start and finish line. I can't believe I didn't see it there. No visor deserves to be treated that way, and definitely not one with that sort of record of support. "
When asked if she would be replacing her old visor with a new one, she explained, "No visor could ever take it's place. But when it comes time for a new one, it will have to be trained on the East Coast out of respect for this West Coast visor."
A memorial service will be held on the shady Harry Allen Trail tomorrow at 10am- a time and place when no visor is needed.
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